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What are cookies?

Almost every website you visit uses cookies. Cookies are basically small files where information about your surfing habits is stored. Not only websites you visit, as well as advertisers and social networks make use of it. Through cookies, the server will recognize your browser and keeps track of what you did in the past as a user on the website. Original Car Parts also makes use of these cookies. We do this to make browsing on our site easier for you. Important: Cookies can not be used to collect or gather passwords private data from your computer. However, cookies for example, remember the products that you have put in your shopping cart in the afternoon when you visit the website in the evening.

What will change if you disable cookies?

Your personal settings will not be remembered anymore.
You do see ads, but they will not be tailored to your interests (which you'll often see the same ads).
Your basket will not be saved for another visit.
You will not always able to use all the possibilities of the Original Car Parts website.

I don't want cookies!

The cookies placed by Original Car Parts to track your browsing habits you can turn off via this website

If you have multiple computers and / or multiple browsers uses, you must separately disable cookies per computer and / or browser.

Still need extra help? See the help function of your browser or read the explanation below.

Chrome                                                                                                                                                Chrome

Chrome                                                                                                               Internet Explorer


For information to adjust browser Chrome you can click here.                                                   For information to adjust browser Internet Explorer click here.

Chrome                                                                                                                                                 Chrome

Firefox                                                                                                                Safari

For information to adjust browser Firefox click here.
                                                                      For information to adjust browser Safari click here.